Tara's Design (Me as Makeup Artist)
For our final practise sessions we wanted to perfect the looks in the allocated time slot of an hour and 10 minutes. When I did Tara's makeup I applied the makeup following her step by step and list of products to create the look with the techniques I have used in our previous sessions and Tara gave me her feedback after.
I completed just in the timeframe (almost the full hour and 10 minutes) and Tara was pleased overall. In this trial run Tara felt the eyeshadow came to high and wasn't round enough. We agreed that for the assessment I will just apply the colour on her eyelid and blend out from the crease to have more control on the shape and softness. I feel the eyes are the most time consuming for me to do so now we have found a quicker technique I should be able to achieve the look much quicker. She was much happier with the tear drop this time as it was thin and delicate and we also used fake blood in the tear duct to add wetness to make it look more realistic. The silver glow was in all the right places, however, I think that the chin and underneath the cheekbones needs a bit more blending to make sure there are no lines or too much product built up in one place. Overall, I am confident I will be able to complete the look in the allocated time and apply the look how Tara designed it to be.

Also, for Tara's hair we decided to have her hair in milkmaid braids with loose curls framing her face to leave the focus on her makeup but the style will be messy to incorporate her New Elizabethan lady-in-waiting character design.
My Design (Tara as Makeup Artist)
In Tara's practise session she completed the makeup with about 20 minutes to spare. However, in this lesson we did not have all the products to complete the lips so we left this step out and Tara was confident with the amount of time left to apply the lip products.
Tara perfected the base by buffing it into the skin a lot to leave a flawless base and applied the glistening blush in all the correct places. I noticed that it needs to be blended further into the hairline on my forehead so there isn't a line (the two photos on the left show the difference after she blended it more). Tara has also got to grips with the shape I designed for my eyes and completes the eye process much quicker than before. She also applied more cream highlighter on top of my cheekbones but also on my cupids bow, forehead and nose which I feel perfects the skin more to add to the glowing 'bridal' look I designed. This was a very successful final trial before the assessment and I am very confident that Tara will create the look beautifully on assessment day.

We also decided after this practise that instead of having my hair scraped up and away from my face, I would have my hair curly with two plaits on each side to pull away the hair from the face to frame the makeup. We want to have it down and curly to embrace the bridal aspect of my New Elizabethan lady-in-waiting.
For our final practise sessions we wanted to perfect the looks in the allocated time slot of an hour and 10 minutes. When I did Tara's makeup I applied the makeup following her step by step and list of products to create the look with the techniques I have used in our previous sessions and Tara gave me her feedback after.

Also, for Tara's hair we decided to have her hair in milkmaid braids with loose curls framing her face to leave the focus on her makeup but the style will be messy to incorporate her New Elizabethan lady-in-waiting character design.
My Design (Tara as Makeup Artist)
In Tara's practise session she completed the makeup with about 20 minutes to spare. However, in this lesson we did not have all the products to complete the lips so we left this step out and Tara was confident with the amount of time left to apply the lip products.

We also decided after this practise that instead of having my hair scraped up and away from my face, I would have my hair curly with two plaits on each side to pull away the hair from the face to frame the makeup. We want to have it down and curly to embrace the bridal aspect of my New Elizabethan lady-in-waiting.